Created by
Aaron and
Jeffery Kronenfeld
Updates Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
Contest Still Occurring: E-mail me for More Details
Wednesday , March 26 , 2003
Aaron Friday, March 28, 2003 1:00 a.m. MST Sorry about the lack of a comic, but I am going out of town, and I have no time. Unfortunately, I do not get back until late Sunday night, so the Monday comic will be late. I will do it when I get home from school, so look out for it Monday night. Later. Aaron Wednesday, March 26, 2003 1:00 a.m. MST For once in my life, I really have nothing to say. If anyone is worried that this prolonged sprite story is a sign of troubles, do not be. My brother and I are currently building a reserve, and I would be starting the regular comic now, except that I do not like to interrupt a storyline, so I shall play this one to completion. Later. Aaron Monday, March 24, 2003 1:00 a.m. MST My brother has had an interesting spring break. He took a bus to Denver, the place where they have had horrendous blizzards, so he got stuck in Albuquerque for a few days. At first he slept on the floor of the bus station, but he got temporarily kicked out. He did eventually make to Denver where he hung with friends going to school there, but his snowboarding time was cut drastically short. Later. Aaron Friday, March 21, 2003 1:00 a.m. MST I actually had planned to miss Monday, since I was out of town over the weekend, but Wednesday was just my poor memory(and if you do not believe that I have the memory of a 120 year old guy acid, ask Mike the Insipid, who also gets a microscopic amount of credit for last Friday's joke, as I improved infinity-fold.) The background for today's comic is a pixilated picture of the real life site of Masada, an actual, famous ancient fortress in Israel. It is no longer there, so I pasted some random fortress on top of it, but I though I would mention the historical connection, since Masada was also in a desert. Later. Aaron Friday, March 14, 2003 1:00 a.m. MST Sorry about the pathetic excuse for action, but it is the best I can do with this comic. I am considering switching the sprites I use, not for this storyline, because I want to be able to do more, though I would still use uncommon sprites, because I want some uniqueness. After this sprite interlude, we are going to have some more joke comics for a few weeks, and then it is story time. I have finally figured all the details, so it will resolve both the fight, and move the comic along in its natural direction. I have also been considering that after that storyline the first arc of this comic would be complete, and so I might release a c.d. with commentary, sketches, and all the comics so far on it(I just looked through the FAANS disc, and I have been inspired). I am not sure if it would be donation gift, or if I would be selling it or what, but I am interested in some response on how to distribute it and what the actual content should be on it. Later. |
opyright 2002
Jeff and
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